
Showing posts from November, 2023

Surah Waqia Hindi Tarjuma" Education Category App - Privacy Policy

 **"Surah Waqia Hindi Tarjuma" Education Category App - Privacy Policy** We highly value your privacy when using our education-related application, "Surah Waqia Hindi Tarjuma." Please carefully read the following privacy policy: **1. Collected Information:** 1.1 **User Data:** We do not collect any user data, and we do not create any form of personalized information. **2. Usage Information:** 2.1 **App Usage:** We may gather information on how you use the application to better understand user interactions and enhance the overall user experience. However, we do not collect any personally identifiable information. **3. Third-Party Sites and Services:** 3.1 **Links:** We may provide links to third-party websites or services related to education. However, these sites are beyond our control, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies. **4. Changes to the Privacy Policy:** 4.1 **Updates:** Our privacy policy may be revised periodically, and you are advised to c